Saturday, March 8, 2014

Are you tired all the time?

After a good night's sleep are you still tired in the morning? Can you not make it through the day without coffee or an energy drink? Do you feel somewhat tired throughout the entire day? Do you crave and eat primarily sugars, breads, and starches?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you probably have some level of adrenal fatigue. There is a wide spectrum of symptoms that correspond to the various stages of adrenal fatigue with adrenal burnout at the far end of the spectrum. Just to clarify, I am talking about a chronic condition that is primarily the result of various environmental and genetic predispositions as opposed to a congenital medical condition (Addison's disease).
If you are interested in learning more, I began my journey to healing from adrenal fatigue after stumbling upon this website. A "stumble" I truly believe was God's intervention. I had gone to the best doctors in the world only to be told they didn't know why I was so tired, and their only solution was to give me a pill.  This pill was basically a stimulant, which not only stopped working after about a week, but actually made the problem worse! 

I can't describe the feeling after my first conversation with Theresa Vernon (practitioner from above website). In less than a minute she diagnosed my condition, which was ultimately confirmed by hair mineral analysis. I finally had a name to my condition, which not only opened doors to limitless information, but for the first time in years I felt like I just might get better.  It seemed too good to be's a few years later and I'm convinced if I keep on the track I'm on (with her help), I will be healed this year and full of more energy than I've ever had in my life! 

I've completely overhauled what I a low carb diet, specifically tailored for adrenal burnout.  It's taken years to cut out the sugar, bread, beans, fruit, potatoes, etc. (the primary food group of my diet), but i tell everyone, if I can do it, anyone can do it.  I went from studying for exams with a bag of M&Ms and Twizzlers regularly to now eating no added simple sugar, protein at every meal, and tons of vegetables.  Next blog I'll talk about what I'm doing to be healthy and truly heal from adrenal burnout. 

For personalized fitness and nutrition coaching with me follow the link below: 

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